It’s not often you get excited when a new mailer lands in your inbox, but with GIRLSofGRIME debuting their newsletter this week, it’s time to get in the know…
As we gear up for this year’s Industry Takeover, always with a nod to the spirit of DIY enterprise, collectives like GIRLSofGRIME are providing ample inspiration.
With grime (much like the rest of the music business) considered a male-dominated scene, GIRLSofGRIME was formed in 2017, by Shakira Walters, to bring female presence to the fore: a hub dedicated to championing homegrown talent and raising the voices of often-under-represented women in the UK music scene. With four key areas identified, they work on creating opportunities for artists, DJs and creatives, promotion of new music, wellbeing and progression of youth in the community and advocating for female-led enterprises.
Along with a regular show hosted on Mixcloud, upping the ante further, in June they launched their DJ sessions, providing DJ lessons to young women looking to pick up skills. With more planned for the future, get a taster with DJ Shaxx here:
Always looking to expand their repertoire, The GIRLSofGRIME YouTube channel now boasts resident DJ Kaylee Kay’s Mixcloud show in visual form and live sessions from the likes of Roxxxan, C Cane, Lauren Marshall & Brix to boot.
If you want to learn more about grime and it’s roots, check out the Grime Waltham Forest documentary starring GIRLSofGRIME and more.
To learn more about the inner working of the music industry, book your ticket for Industry Takeover All Dayer, Sept 4th @ Protein Studios, NOW.
Words: Chantelle Fiddy